Gina Jackson Writes Right

Gina Jackson writes right with her recently established copywriting business. She shares her business journey with Tracy Heatley on her Real Life Radio Mind Your Own Business radio show.

Gina Jackson Profile Photo to go with her Gina Jackson Writes Right radio show

Gina Jackson

Gina Jackson took the plunge and set up her own business.  During the pandemic she went from export to doing what she has always loved, writing!  When it comes to copywriting, Gina is fully qualified and has a natural flair for it!  There’s a knack to being able to convey the right message with words, and Gina has mastered this.  From zero to a full client base in a matter of months, her business has been a success from the start.

During this Mind Your Own Business interview, Gina is open and direct with Tracy about her business journey.  Along with sharing useful tips for other new start-up businesses, it’s wonderful to hear how Write Here Right Now has progressed.  Especially as her partner, Craig, has now joined the business.  Another major transition that is paying dividends for this Manchester couple.

Write Here Right Now

Write Right Gina Jackson's Write Here Right Now logoWrite Here Right Now offers a full range of copywriting services, including online and offline material.  Everything from Blog writing that’s optimised for SEO to proof reading University Degree Dissertations.

The business is set to grow, but Gina is  keen to fit the business in with her family life.  Like many working parents, she’s faced the dilemma of long traveling time and hours away from her young child.  Write Here Right Now has given her work life balance, so that she can enjoy motherhood, alongside running her business.  It was good to chat to Gina about this, especially because what she’s got to say may help other parents.  Many parents are facing some of the misgivings that Gina did whilst she was employed, so hopefully this will help them too!  It seems there’s no looking back for Gina! She’s looking forward right here right now!

Tracy’s Thoughts

There’s often a misconception that we only learn from people who have been in business for years.  This interview, with Gina Jackson, demonstrates that gaining an insight into the challenges of a new start-up business is crucial.  Setting up in business at any time is a challenge, but hats off to Gina Jackson.  Not only has she established a successful business, she did it during lockdown, with a young child to care for.   How inspiring is that? I have nothing but praise for Gina.    Plus, I love her outlook on life and business! My guess is that her Write Here Right Now business is set for great things, and I look forward to watching the progress with interest.

My three words to describe this interview and Gina are remarkable, receptive and reputable.

Enjoy listening!


Very Best Wishes,

Tracy Heatley

Tracy Heatley on Real Life Radio, Write Right Interviewing Gina Jackson