Tag: marketing strategy

Setting Better Business Goals

Setting Better Business Goals

How To Use The BETTER Business Goals System™ In this blog, I’ll guide you through how to use the BETTER Business Goals System™ that I created for my clients. Sooner rather than later, you need a vision and goals! Using an analogy inspired by my Strategy Cycle™ business model: Picture your business growth as a bike journey, with your goals…

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The Difference Between PR And Marketing

The Difference Between PR And Marketing

There is often confusion about the difference between PR and marketing. Although they are similar, there are key distinctions that set them apart. Public relations (PR) is all about building relationships with your target audience and creating awareness, while marketing is more focused on specific strategies and tactics that leads to selling products or services. Here’s a more detailed look…

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Ethical Marketing In The Digital Age: Balancing Profit And Purpose

Ethical Marketing In The Digital Age: Balancing Profit And Purpose

Ethical Marketing in the Digital Age: Balancing Profit and Purpose is topic that I’m very passionate about and here’s why. Ethical Marketing Introduction As the world becomes increasingly digitised and AI marketing is steadily increasing, businesses have to be more mindful than ever before about how they present their brands and products online. Gone are the days when companies could…

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How To Use Marketing Segmentation To Grow Your Small Business

How To Use Marketing Segmentation To Grow Your Small Business

You may have heard of marketing segmentation or it may be new to you. Either way, here’s how you can use marketing segmentation to grow your small business. It’s something that you simply must incorporate into your marketing strategy. Here’s a few tips on how to use it. Introduction To Marketing Segmentation In today’s competitive business environment, small business owners…

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How To Launch A New Product Or Service

How To Launch A New Product Or Service

As a small business owner, it’s important to know how to launch a new product or service. Launching a new product or service can seem like an overwhelming task. But when you understand the marketing fundamentals and get the right foundations in place, you can set yourself up for long-term success. Formulating A Sound Strategy Formulating a sound strategy for…

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How To Develop A Small Business Digital Marketing Strategy

How To Develop A Small Business Digital Marketing Strategy

It’s no secret that digital marketing has become an essential part of doing business in the 21st century.  This is something that has become even more important over recent years. Especially with the emergence of AI in marketing. However, for many small business owners and junior marketing teams, it can be hard to know where to start. Particularly when it…

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Knowing Your Customers: The Key to Smarter Marketing

Knowing Your Customers: The Key to Smarter Marketing

Knowing your customers is essential when it comes to smarter marketing. Here’s why and how to utilise this for your small business . How Many Businesses Are There In The UK? Let’s look at how many businesses there are in the UK. According to Government statistics, there are approximately 5.6 million businesses in the UK. Of these, 99% are small…

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