Autumn mindset – time to reflect, deliver and get results.

Autumn Is Here

October is here, and we’re heading for dark mornings and early sunsets.  This is the time of year when our natural instincts could be to hibernate! No, no, no! Not us!  As business owners and professionals, we need to be up early and grabbing the wonderful opportunities before us! With most things, mindset is everything, particularly, when you’re getting up early to go networking.  Relationships are built one conversation at a time, so there’s no point sleeping in when you could be winning business! Seize the day, seize every opportunity and embrace the day! It’s amazing how effective you can be, how much you can get done and how many opportunities you can embrace when you’re up with the larks! Be Autumnal!



A       –         Amaze yourself every single day – you are amazing

U       –         Understand others and how you can help them – be genuine

T        –         Targets are vital – you can’t hit a target that you can’t see

U       –         Uniqueness is fabulous – you just need to be yourself

M       –         Meaningfulness – Mean what you say & say what you mean

N       –         Natural is the way to go – let your personality shine

A       –         Ask for help – people really do want to help you progress

L        –         Love what you do – work is not work if you love what you do.

Autumn Targets

Setting your Autumn targets and choosing your behaviours are key.  Use the tips above based on my Autumnal acronym to alter your state, adjust your perspective, control your mindset and get results.

Just a few mindset tips, so that you can have a productive Autumn!

Having an new perspective on your Autumn mindset will massively impact the results you get. It will help you achieve Better Networking result.

Wishing you a happy, productive, fun, successful & awesome Autumn!!!

Tracy Heatley

Tracy Heatley with her positive Autumn Mindset