World Poetry Day
In honour of World Poetry Day, this networking poem is for you.
Since I was a child, I’ve loved to write poems, because I could have fun with words. It’s just one of those things that seems like second nature, so it would be rude to miss this opportunity.
My Networking Poem
Networking’s definitely your best bet
If it’s new business that you’re trying to get
It’s not just about meeting someone new
It’s about all the other things that you do
Creating relationships to build trust
If you want referrals it’s a must
It’s all about helping others to grow
Referring them to people who you know
It’s having fun and learning to relate
To lots of other people who think you’re great
It’s about having your time to shine
To be outstanding and in your prime
It’s all about the give and take
Think of the friendships that you’ll make
It’s so much more than sales and that’s a fact
Especially when you take the time to interact
To oversell is self-destruction
So ditch the pitch and just ask for an introduction
They say that you reap what you sow
This is true about networking that much I know
Put out there what you want to attract
Watch and see how others react
Be positive and be upbeat
No one wants to be in the negative seat
Just be yourself and you’ll be just fine
All it takes is consistency and time
Embrace it in the here and now
Success will come and this is how
As you get to know your networking peers
You will abandon any networking fears
Try these and if you’re still stuck
By all means get in touch
Helping you get results is what I do
When it comes to networking I’ve got you!
Written By Tracy Heatley
On World Poetry Day
21st March 2021
If you’re interested in my networking training, blogs, podcasts, business radio interviews or you would like to get in touch, all you need is right here.