Networking Blogs Cover

Question mark image to ask the question, have you ever wondered how some people have massive contacts when business networking?

Ever Wondered How Some People Build A Massive Network Of Contacts?

It’s always worth remembering that your network is your net worth!  Like with many things in life and business, your network will take time to build and nurture.

The more you put into it building trust and relationships with other people, the greater your return on your networking investment will be.  Both in terms of time and money!

Don’t expect things to happen over night  Most over night successes actually took years to achieve!

Jigsaw Pieces Joining Together To Show How Making Contacts Can Be The Missing Link When NetworkingYou Know People, Who Know More People!

It’s common for people to worry that they don’t know enough people to help other people get referrals. This is particularly the case with people who are new to networking.

Granted, when you get started, this may be true. As soon as get into your flow with networking, your network of contacts is bound to increase.  Often at a rapid rate too.

Some people subconsciously close the loop by solely focusing on their business contacts.  As you avoid that mistake and focus on how many people you actually know, you will probably realise that you already have a reasonable network of contacts.    There are so many other sources, within your circle of influence, that you can tap into to help yourself and others.

Your Circle Of Influence…Circle Of Influence - hands and arms joining wo make a circle to show how when people come together they can help each other with business networking

Your circle of influence is everyone you know, or you’re connected to in some way. Focus on your circle of influence to see how you can connect people and help them get referrals. Focus your attention on all your connections, not just your business contacts, to open up a plethora of potential referrals .

I suggest focusing on Linkedin, education institutions, associations, past connections, friends, relatives, organisations, groups and social media as a starting point to create opportunities. These are your leapfrogs to spring forward your networking.

Open up your mind to the possibilities of how many people you know within these categories.  Now get to work on reaching out to them to help you with your business and create referrals for others.

Use your full circle of influence to generate  as many referrals as you can.  Keep  your focus on helping others.

Help Others…

Cartoon Character On A Blue Box Helping Other Cartoon Characters To Signify How Helping Other People Can Help Build Contacts When NetworkingWhether you’re new to networking or you’re a seasoned networker continuously ask yourself is… How can I help other people?

Internationally renowned sales trainer, the late Zig Ziglar, once said, “If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want.” This is a pivotal part of networking success, and the more you help others, the greater the reward.

You may hear expressions like ‘givers gain’ and ‘be a farmer not a hunter’!  What they actually mean is help other people as much as you can, even if there’s nothing in it for you right now.   Once you’ve given someone else a referral, it may take some time before they’re  able to refer business back to you.  Don’t worry, though, because I’m certain that once you’ve helped someone else, they will want to return the favour.

Don’t Give To Receive

Give And You Will Receive Positive Image To Show How This Can Help When Networking

I’d like you to be aware of not giving to receive.  You may have given someone a referral and they’re unable to return the favour.   What’s important is that you’re in their mind, so that if and when an opportunity does arise for them to get you a referral, you will be at the forefront of their mind.

Furthermore, if they are unable to get you a referral that’s okay too!  Like Karma, goodwill boomerangs right back to you. Helping other people will help you to leap-frog your business.

You really do reap what you sow!

What can you do to help someone else today?

Thanks For Reading This Networking Blog!

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Very Best Wishes

Tracy Heatley

Tracy Heatley Smiling