The Difference Between Try And Triumph

Networking triumph imageDon’t Just Try – Triumph! What’s this all about? I recently came across a thought provoking quote, on Instagram, which is sensational.  I believe it is a quote by American Professional Basketball Player, Marvin Philips., so I thought I’d share it.

As you ponder on it for a moment, notice how this quote make you feel?  “The difference between try and triumph is the umph.” This could be considered in so many business and personal contexts, so I wonder what it means to you right now.

“The difference between try and triumph is the ump.”  It’s not often I’d repeat a quote twice in one blog, but this one is definitely worth repeating, because it’s pure umphing genius!

Trying Is Not Doing

I remember, many moons ago, when I was attending a ‘Mastery University’ course, with Anthony Robins, and he asked me to try and pick up a chair.  I picked it up.  “No”, he said, “My instruction was to ‘try’ to pick up the chair”.  As I pondered on it for a second, I realised his point.  It’s impossible to try; you either do or you don’t, because it’s that simple!

It’s the same with networking.  You either do or you don’t, because there’s no middle ground!  Well, not a middle ground that will work, so there’s no time for procrastination or complacency!

Focus Goes Where Energy Flows

There’s absolutely no point making a half hearted effort with networking.  Like with many things in life and business, it’s throwing yourself full into it that gets the results.  Let me elaborate further!Where your focus goes your energy flows image

If you’re new to networking, tip your toe in the water, experiment a little, visit different networking groups and then chose the one that’s right for you.

Once you’ve committed, it’s time to play full out! Don’t hold back, put the necessary time and effort into building relationships with others. Set yourself goals and do it! Keep going! Focus goes, where energy flows.

Putting The Umph In Your Networking

If it’s a membership referral group you’re joining, then attend regularly.  Everyone misses occasional meetings, but not only could you be missing out on potential referrals, it’s your reputation that you’re building, and you must create trust before you create referrals, so be there and be attentive.

Switch it up and think of new approaches to your ’60 seconds’ or introduction.  You’ll get bored if you continuously repeat yourself, so try new approaches.   You may find my blog on Six Simple Steps To Creating The Ultimate Sixty Seconds useful.

Another good way to get some umph is to know your customer.  It’s vital to know your customer, so that you can let the people your networking with know who you would like introductions to. My Better Networking podcast ‘Knowing Your Customer’ covers this in much more details.

Bring your ‘A Game’ to a networking meeting every time. Exude positive energy, even if it’s early in a morning. Be a radiator not a drain!  Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude with networking. There’s no better brand than a big welcoming smile.

The way you make other people feel will impact their mood, their day and their willingness to help you with referrals.  Don’t spend your time with any ‘energy zappers’ either, because you become like the people you spend most of your time with.  Stick with the people who lift your spirits and be an instigator for lifting other people too.


Umph Top Tips

For my umph summary I would:

  • Commit 100% to the networking you’re doing – people will commit to you too.
  • Give it time  – networking is never a quick fix, so be in it for the long game.
  • Choose your mood – be positive, motivated and happy as this will rub off on others.
  • Plan your networking activities – have a networking strategy.
  • Know your customer and what differentiates you from your competition –  it will help people get you referrals.
  • Educate the people you meet and your regular networking associates about how they can help you get introductions.
  • Just like you choose your mood, you choose you umph levels too – choose high level umph every time.
  • Don’t just try – TRIUMPH!

Tell Tracy

Whatever your networking niggles are, no matter how advanced your networking experience is, I’m here to help you.  If you’re interested in one-to-one networking coaching to help you form a networking strategy, boost your confidence or determine your direction, do get in touch.

If you’re interested in learning how to build better rapport to win more business through networking, perhaps my training workshops will suit you.  If you’re more comfortable with on-demand learning, then my Networking Ninja Video Course may be for you.  Or, if you just have a question that I can help with, do get in touch and I’ll be happy to help.

Thanks for reading my blog.  I hoped you enjoyed it and do feel free to comment.

Very Best Wishes,

Image of Tracy Heatley taking notes for the Better Networking Training Home page

Tracy Heatley